Multiplying Your More

God loves His children. He seeks to prosper and abundantly bless those that earnestly seek Him and His will for their lives. Dean Burnside, owner of Good News Pest Solutions in Sarasota, Florida, has seen God's hand of blessing upon his company as he endeavors to bring the Good News to his clients, while ridding their homes and businesses of dreaded sub-tropical bugs. Using green solutions and biblical principles, Good News Pest Solutions has become one of the top exterminators on the Florida Gulf Coast.
Founded in 1989 by Don Macy, Good News Pest Solutions began as Macy’s Termite & Pest Control of Venice, Florida. In 1996, Dean Burnside was brought on as a partner and has helped Good News Pest Solutions grow into one of the most successful locally owned pest control businesses on Florida’s Gulf Coast. Specializing in green solutions to pest control issues, the company is a member of the Green Business Partnership and operates using the most environmentally responsible pesticides and products available.
Believing that their success is a direct result of their mission statement: Good News Pest Solutions represents Jesus Christ by providing peace of mind at a fair price, protects the environment as a leader in green pest management, and serves clientele with excellence. By following the biblical principles of honesty, integrity, and compassion, they have built an organization that consistently provides peace of mind, both to private homes and corporations.
In 1998, John Macy decided to retire and enter the ministry, passing along the ownership of the business to Dean Burnside. Having been a salesman, Dean understood the operational side of the company, but had never had experience as a business owner.
“When John first brought me on as a 50/50 owner, I was excited to take that step up the ladder,” said Dean. “When we came together as the leadership team, we made a conscious decision to honor God in the way we ran the business. We attended several conferences hosted by the Fellowship of Companies for Christ International and developed our mission statement. Three years into what we thought was a five-year relationship, God laid an opportunity on John’s heart, and he stepped away from the business. Upon his retirement in 1998, I bought him out and became the sole owner. The irony! The salesman ended up owning the joint!”
"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:6
More than a Business
“I grew up in a family of worship leaders,” Dean said. “My great-grandfather was a church planter in Upstate New York, and my grandfather was the worship leader at my childhood church in Ohio. When my grandparents turned into snowbirds and moved south, my father took over the music ministry, my mother played the piano, and my brother and I sang special music in service. I was very familiar with the term “platform for ministry”; I saw my family utilize it in every service—it was where you stood with a microphone to preach and sing.”
It took the casual mention of a friend and a miraculous revelation from God to show Dean that his pest control company was more than just bug removal. After being told that he could turn his newly acquired ownership into a platform for ministry, Dean began to reflect upon his family legacy.
“Before I became full owner of Good News Pest Solutions, I was filling in as worship pastor at our local church and enjoying the life God gave me: a good job and a place to serve. When people began questioning why they were looking for a full-time worship leader when I was doing a fine job, I began to wonder if God wanted me in “full-time Christian service” or if I should continue as a layman. The very concept of “full-time ministry” caught my mind. I was ministry-minded; I just wasn’t a full-time minister. Intrigued by that thought, I set myself apart with God and went away for a retreat weekend. I had to get alone with God and find out His will for my professional life. That weekend I had my answer.”
‘You will reach more people through your business than you ever will singing into a microphone on a platform.’
“I returned from my retreat and told my church that I was already in full-time ministry, but that my ministry was cleverly disguised as a pest control company. Since that day, I have never felt that I was a second-tier minister because I don’t get a paycheck from a church; I am a full-time minister for Christ.”
Good News Pest Solutions is a full-time, for profit platform for ministry.
Recognizing his need for wise business counsel, as well as the importance of practical mentorship, Dean eagerly yoked with C12, America’s premier roundtable for Christian CEOs and owners. “I knew that I needed help in the area of running the business,” said Dean. “I was a salesman. I was great at building relationships with customers, but I was brand new at running a successful business. I joined C12 both for business mentoring and assistance in learning how God would use me to reach more people through the business. I sought business acumen and ministry acumen. Having been involved with the program for over 16 years, it has made a significant impact in my life, both as a husband and a father, and as a businessman in the community. It shaped the man that I have become.”
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
More than a Name
A large part of Good News Pest Solutions contracts are home inspections associated with the buying and selling of property. For every customer, Dean and his staff try topresent situations in a positive manner. Essentially, Good News Pest Solutions exists to bring customers good news: we inform clients of a problem, or we verify a termite-free residence. Even if termites are found in a home or business, the official company report is ‘Good news! We found termites! Better us than you!’
When discussing the possibility of a corporate name change from Macy’s Termite & Pest Control, a fellow C12 member read the mission statement and presented the best option: Good News Pest Solutions.
“I can’t tell you how many times we have been asked about our name,” said Dean. “We are overtly Christian; we don’t hide anything. God used one of my C12 Christian brothers to help us develop our name, but God has given us the privilege to answer countless questions about the real Good News. Our name now matches our mission. We share God’s Good News while solving pest problems with green solutions. It’s a win-win!”
Not subtle at all, Good News Pest Solutions boldly proclaims the Gospel of Christ. The corporate website not only offers the Good News of the Gospel, but also supports outreach programs including Corporate Chaplains of America, Hearts Without Borders, and Youth for Christ, and maintains an active fill-in form for prayer requests.
“Our name is right out there,” Dean said. “If you’re a believer who understands the Gospel, you get it. In the last few years, our business has grown because of our name, and we have attracted a lot of new customers. Most people want to do business with a company that follows biblical principles; those that would rather not deal with the overtly Christian nature of our company simply don’t hire us! It’s that simple. God has blessed our company and has grown our influence on the Florida Gulf Coast.
All Good News Pest Solutions employees are equipped with Romans Road and ministry pamphlets. “I want my employees to share the Gospel when the question is asked,” said Dean. “We produced a brochure, similar to a tract, which has both our company good news story and the Good News Gospel story. We have had numerous opportunities to share our faith, and we have seen many people come to Christ. Imagine that! Bug extermination is winning the lost! God has more than exceeded His promise to me—I have reached more people through my company then I ever did while singing into a microphone on a platform. I am constantly amazed.”
"A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold." Proverbs 3:6
Multiplying the More
From humble beginnings as a salesman to sitting behind the owner’s desk, Dean has watched God grow his ministry. Recently, Dean had the opportunity to be the keynote speaker at a Christian men’s conference in Sarasota, Florida. At this event, he spoke about establishing and running a full-time Christian ministry using the platform of any kind of business. He also is a leader in his local C12 mentorship group.
“Recently, my son blew my mind,” said Dean. “He said, ‘You’ve come full circle. Your vision of more was your own employees and customers, but now you’re teaching other business leaders to teach their employees and customers. You’re multiplying your more!’ My eyes filled up with tears so fast, and my body shivered with the reality of that message. God didn’t just allow me to win the lost in my community through my business; He has allowed me to become a part of the leadership team at C12 that helps other businessmen mentor their companies! God has fulfilled His promise to me in so many ways. I am incredibly, overwhelmingly blessed.”
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, to Him be the glory..." Ephesians 3:20
The Bug Man’s Advice:
Get alone with God: Take retreats! Ask God for wisdom, for direction, and for guidance. We were all created for a purpose; find yours. It’s funny; so many people can quote Ephesians 2:8-9—“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Knowing that salvation is by faith through grace is a good thing, but the next verse is also important! For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. There’s the promise to the working man! He created us with a plan!
When I was the music minister, I was doing a good thing leading worship. It was a productive and a God-honoring thing. I did have the opportunities to sing the songs that led people to the call to accept Christ. I was reaching people for Christ by singing into a microphone on a platform; but, for me it was about more. I wanted more. I knew God had more for me to do. If you’re willing, God will multiply your more.

By: Jessica Burchfield
Jessica Burchfield is the contract Communications Coordinator for Clearwater Christian College, a freelance writer, and a professional photographer based out of Tampa, Florida.
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