How Much For It All?

My husband had died, and I knew that at some point, I would have to sell our home. Over three-and-a-half years passed, and I had not done anything about preparing to sell it.
The biggest challenge was the basement. I felt that I had to clean out the basement before I could place our home on the market. I had given everything away that my sons and son-in-law would take and the basement was still packed – floor to ceiling. For months, I would open the door, look around, and close it. It seemed an impossible task!
As a last resort, I decided to hold a “garage sale.” It seemed the only way to empty the basement; I had also decided that whatever did not sell would be given to a charitable organization. The garage sale was scheduled for a Saturday in March, and this particular morning was unseasonably cold. My two great helpers, Meg and Ben, had their assignments. Ben was strategically placing signs, and Meg was helping me get things set up.
The sale was to begin at 7 a.m. The first customers arrived at 6:45 a.m. (They had been taught the early bird gets the worm, too!) Three people bought a few things. At 7 a.m., an older gentlemen came in with his wife. He quietly looked around and bought two items. He continued to look for a few minutes longer and then he asked, “How much for it all?”
I could hardly believe the question. Did I hear him correctly? Ben confirmed, “He asked, ‘How much for it all?’”
I gave him a price, and he pulled a roll of bills from his pocket and paid. He told me it would probably take him all day to remove everything, but he would have everything picked up by the end of the day.
The “Hallelujah Chorus” was playing in my head. I was completely overwhelmed. I had worried about this basement for over three-and-a-half years, and the garage sale was over in less than 45 minutes. It was as if God said, “You have been worried about this all this time; watch this!” It was a miracle to me!
This may seem like a small event, but it was an amazing reminder to me that I can trust God with everything in my life – I can trust Him with it all. I never want to forget the question, “How much for it all?” because it reminds me of a faithful God and adds to my history in walking with Him.
Do you worry? Do you have things in your life that you can’t see how they could ever be reconciled, redeemed or restored? How much would it take for you to give it ALL to Him?
God begins where impossible starts. Scripture reminds us that nothing is too hard for God. I am remembering Ananias in Acts, chapter one. God told Ananias “Go over to Straight Street, to the house of Judas. When you get there, ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul.”
Ananias got pretty excited about God telling him to go talk to Saul. He said, “I’ve heard many people talk about the terrible things this man has done to the believers in Jerusalem!” In other words, this one is too hard! Saul will never change.
Let’s be honest in our own situations. Do we really believe God can change people and circumstances? Has worry and fear ever caused you to say, “This situation or he/she will never change?”
A. W. Tozer reminds us, “What you believe about God is the most important thing about you.” I believe Tozer is very right, because what you believe about God:
Defines why you do what you do
Determines who or what you worship
Decides where you find security, self-worth and wisdom
Surrounds your worry with His promises and presence
What I know about worry is that it can turn to fear, and I can become too paralyzed to act. Though Ananias was worried and afraid, he went to Saul because God told him to go. He believed God, so he took action. Ananias had a conversion of belief so that Saul could have a conversion.
Your belief about God will surround your worry and allow you to take action. Your actions will reveal what you believe about God and what you believe about God is exposed through your actions—every time. Are you worried today? What will your actions reveal today?
1 Peter 5:7 tells us to “Cast ALL of your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.” (NIV, emphasis added)
So don’t spend another minute carrying the burden of worry or fear. God has got you covered. He gave all for you!

By: Phyllis Hennecy Hendry
Phyllis Hennecy Hendry serves as the inaugural President and CEO of Lead Like Jesus. Under her capable leadership, Lead Like Jesus has had a global impact. Phyllis has traveled across the United States and various parts of the world to speak and teach the message of Lead Like Jesus. She is a dynamic communicator who gets to the heart of her audiences with messages that come straight from hers. Her messages of truth are clear, personal, filled with stories, and life-changing. She often serves as a keynote and plenary speaker and delights in each opportunity to share the impact of the Lead Like Jesus message in the home, church, and marketplace.
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