Light of the World

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16 is one of those passages that we are all familiar with; many of us memorized portions of it at a young age, while even more of us have found ways to put it into practice in our daily lives. In one of the most well-known passages in the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ exhorted the masses to be salt and light to a watching world. In this issue of TwoTen Magazine, we take an in-depth look at men and women who are marketplace leaders; not only in professional capacities through their career choices and responsibilities, but also in the luminescence of the Holy Spirit and His transformative power.
In our cover story, Jason and David Benham tell the story of how their faith grew amidst persecution on a national scale. Once professional Minor League baseball players and HGTV reality show stars, the brothers are now vibrant examples of shining the light of the Gospel into a dark place. Their new book, Living Among Lions, boldly describes how to live like Daniel in the middle of a 21st Century Babylon. In this article you will get a personal look into the difficulties the brothers faced when they decided to let their light shine.
Defining success from an eternal perspective, Pam Wolf of Identity and Destiny and author of the book Identity and Destiny—7 Steps to a Purpose-Filled Life, believes in finding, knowing, and living a vibrant life according to the individual purpose of each Christian. Similarly, Alan Robertson weighs in on how his Uncle Si found his purpose when he moved from the shadows to the spotlight in the family ministry.
In our feature story Servant’s Hands we take an in-depth look at Don Campion, CEO of Banyan Air Service, and how he orients his business of professional aviation and avionics around Kingdom work through quality assurance and diligent maintenance of his fleet. As one of South Florida’s premiere aviation companies, Banyan offers more aviation services in one location than any other fixed based operator in the Southeast. Learn how Don Campion and his team shine the light of faith-based business upon the clients they serve each day.
Third-generation business owners, the Pursell Family, continue to leave a legacy of generosity and gratitude through Pursell Farms, Golfweek’s 2016 all-access golf course in Alabama. Not only a multi-generational business, Pursell Farms has created a heritage of excellence, fostering top-notch customer service to clients, distributors, and vendors, as well as cultivated positive relationships with citizens of their local community.
Phyllis Hendry, CEO of Lead Like Jesus, offers her insightful advice on how to identify fear in your life and stand firm against it in her article, On the Edge. Providing thoughtful guidance, you will be encouraged by her passion to live a fearless Christian life, while Dave Ramsey, a trusted voice in personal and professional finance, offers tips on how to empower your team to cultivate financial wellness through careful maintenance of finances and financial endeavors.
Author of The Energy Bus and business consultant, Jon Gordon offers ten tips on positive communication, while Patrice Tsague, international speaker and Christian business trainer, identifies dream killers in our lives and teaches us how to destroy them. Tim Weinhold also gives Biblical business advice on remembering your Provider and being an engine of blessing.
As Christian business leaders and professionals, positive, biblical-based leadership is an important facet of daily life and workplace ministry. In Issue 14, we delve deeply into the components of management and ministry as internationally renowned keynote speaker, Delatorro McNeal, gives us an inside look into the calling to marketplace ministry and how to effectively lead a company that not only makes a profit, but also transforms lives through dynamic leadership. Additionally, Chris Patton, author of The 17 Biblical Principles of Success, explains how to build a business with trust and compassion, and Os Hillman, president of Marketplace Leaders, examines the workplace ministry modeled for us by Jesus Christ Himself.
Finally, we are blessed to hear from a living testimony of God’s ability to restore broken lives through Dean Blankenship, president of Hosanna Building Contractors, a full-service contractor providing quality service to commercial and residential clients in Florida. Hugh Whelchel, executive director of the Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics, presents a vibrant piece on stewardship and how to grow your corporate community through the strategic stewarding of our resources.
Requiring dedication, perseverance, and humility, marketplace ministry is shining the light of the Gospel into our corporate culture. As in Matthew 5:14-16, a candle does not exude any effort to be a light; rather, its sole purpose is to illuminate the darkness. May we also exist to radiate the love and compassion of our Savior to the men and women we come into contact with in our workplaces each and everyday.

By: Jessica Burchfield
Jessica Burchfield is the contract Communications Coordinator for Clearwater Christian College, a freelance writer, and a professional photographer based out of Tampa, Florida.
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