Quarterly Review: Superhuman Perf.

After decades of readers being forced to choose between being touched or taught, fact or fiction, inspiration or intrigue, finally twins Darrayl and Derrick Miles pen Superhuman Performance and Superhuman Performance II, in which the authors combine many of these elements in one rare read.
by: Darrayl and Derrick Miles
Superhuman Performance instructs and inspires readers in using their God-appointed gifts to excel in the marketplace and beyond with extraordinary ability and power.
The Miles duo uses modern day, real life examples and words of wisdom from successful entrepreneurs and corporate executives to direct readers in assessing their own spiritual and natural gifts. Neatly organized in chapters that each tell a different success story, the Miles brothers ingeniously infuse storytelling, scripture and practical application in this must read for any individual aspiring to use his or her gifts to perform at superhuman levels, or any corporate leader looking for ways to recognize the gift in each team member and tools, to push them to superhuman success. One such invigorating passage from their book proclaims, “Deep in your soul you know there’s more to life than long commutes to a job. You sense God created you for good works, great adventures, and a lasting legacy” (Ephesians 2:10).
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By: The TwoTen Team
The TwoTen team is passionate and energetic about fulfilling our mission and vision. We relentlessly invest our time, resources, and skills to producing a product of excellence and connecting with our community.
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