Happy Anniversary

Without considering the proof of His Word, it’s easy to assume that Jesus’ ministry played out in a polished and orderly temple. As holy a man as He is, why wouldn’t it?
Except throughout the Gospel, Jesus shocks us, and the Pharisees, with His humility and with His desire to reach souls outside of the synagogue doors. Consider the fact that 122 of Jesus’ 132 public appearances in the New Testament took place in the marketplace among fishermen, carpenters, tax collectors and sinners–the business people of the first century.
The objective of TwoTen Magazine is to encourage and utilize His words and actions as examples for our own ministry-businesses.
"As a businessperson, you are as effective as anyone in the Kingdom in and through the workplace, a concept inspired by Jesus himself."
Even evangelical pastor Billy Graham, who celebrates his 95th birthday this November, has felt the move of God sweeping into the workplace. TwoTen Magazine wishes Billy a happy birthday and thanks him for his extraordinary service in the battlefield for Christ.
In this issue we traveled to Wisconsin to meet with Matt McPherson, founder and CEO of Mathews, Inc. and McPherson Guitars and to North Carolina for a visit with Dr. Mark Cress, founder of Corporate Chaplains of America. Instead of simply glorifying themselves or their personal bank accounts, Matt and Mark have a common goal to glorify Jesus as Christian business leaders.
Jerry Colangelo, professional sports extraordinaire, shares his experience as a closet Christian and how God eventually used him as a tool to reach others. While President and CEO of Correct Craft Bill Yeargin, discusses his effort to lead a company now known for building boats to bring praise to God.
Phyllis Hendry of Lead Like Jesus lays down the line between driven people and called people, and Dr. Paul White introduces strategies for handling office conflict. We receive a biblical view of God’s expectations of His stewards from Chris Patton, and Rick Boxx outlines the key to trusting through truth and relationship.
Also joining us again in Issue 5 is the Robertson family of Duck Commander. They provide insight into merging a family business and the Gospel of Christ.
We thank our quarterly, contributing columnists for returning in this issue to offer wisdom for Christian leaders in the workplace, including Dave Ramsey, Os Hillman, Bonnie Wurzbacher, Chris Hogan and Jordan Raynor.
In our Quarterly Review we provide commentary on and encourage you to check out Transformation: Change The Marketplace And You Change The World by Ed Silvoso, Leading With Honor: Leadership Lessons From The Hanoi Hilton by Lee Ellis, Hope Unseen by Captain Scotty Smiley & Doug Crandell, and Workplace Grace: Becoming A Spiritual Influencer At Work by Bill Peel & Walt Larimore.
We hope that the 84 pages of TwoTen’s anniversary issue encourage and equip you as a willing and expecting Christian leader in your workplace. Jesus isn’t too righteous to spill out of the sanctuary walls on Sunday mornings and He will come where we invite Him–even in the boardroom, the stock room, the supply room, the break room, the warehouse, the laboratory...
So just when we think that they don’t, Monday mornings matter too.
John Faulkner and Richard Hayes

By: John Faulkner and Richard Hayes
John Faulkner and Richard Hayes are the founders of TwoTen Magazine. After years of sharing the ideas and processes that build strong faith based businesses, John teamed up with his close friend Richard, to produce TwoTen Magazine, which is based on the Bible verse Ephesians 2:10- “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared for us in advance to do.” The magazine’s mission statement is “To inspire, encourage and equip business leaders to apply their influence to make an eternal impact on God’s Kingdom”.
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